Thursday's New Books - 26 FEB

Grimm Mistresses - Mercedes M. Yardley, Stacey Turner, C.W. LaSart, Allison M. Dickson, S.R. Cambridge, Amanda Shore Bleeding Shadows - Joe R. Lansdale Salvage and Demolition - Tim Powers The Agonizing Resurrection of Victor Frankenstein - Thomas Ligotti I Travel by Night - Robert R. McCammon New Amsterdam  - Elizabeth Bear, Patrick  Arrasmith The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales (Penguin Classics) - Franz Xaver von Schonwerth, Erika Eichenseer, Engelbert Suss, Maria Tatar

Thanks to Beauty in Ruins for pointing out Grim Mistresses, I think it'll go well with The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales which Bookaneer kindly reviewed for us.


The other books are trickling in through the Humble Bundle I bought the other day. I am an Elizabeth Bear fan; it seems like she shows up in all the SciFi anthologies I read.


It's been another really slow fiction week for me. Mrs. Brainycat and I have been marathoning Walking Dead, seasons 2-4. We had given up on the series partway through s2 because of all the TSTL, the implausible scenarios and the overly self indulgent screenwriting. Mrs. Brainycat's friends are all raving about the new season, though, so we're watching it for free on AZN Prime (s2-3) and Sky OnDemand (s4).


Each episode is 42 minutes, but it feels like hardly anything happens - judicious editing would leave a lot of room for more plotlines and character development. I find myself reading magazines and clicking around the internet on my phone while it's on, and I don't miss anything. I guess I just wish it were a lot denser. And rated NC17 or R, but I feel that way about everything.